Welcome to Hobsonville Point Secondary School where we empower learners to achieve both academic and personal excellence. Students learn in state-of-the-art facilities using tools and technologies that support and enhance their learning.
We equip learners to solve problems, self-manage, think critically, and innovate. We prepare young people for their life beyond school as we value deep learning, challenge, and inquiry alongside developing values, dispositions, and capabilities as part of our curriculum. Students will leave us confident and connected lifelong learners who will successfully contribute to their communities and chosen fields.
LEVEL 2 - 79.3%
LEVEL 3 - 82.2%
Benjamin Griffiths - Top Subject Scholar Award 2023
LEVEL 2 - 79.3% • LEVEL 3 - 82.2% • UNIVERSITY ENTRANCE - 66.4% • Benjamin Griffiths - Top Subject Scholar Award 2023 • 80 STUDENT INTERNSHIPS •
At Hobsonville Point Secondary School, our point of difference is our learning and our people. Learning at HPSS is guided by principles of personalised and authentic learning opportunities which help our students find their pathways/passion and achieve personal excellence. Our teachers at HPSS have an infectious passion for learning. They are committed to working in partnership with our students, their whānau and the community to ensure learning is relevant and meaningful.

At Hobsonville Point Secondary School, we believe a strong sense of community and connection is vital in creating a sense of belonging for our students. These connections are fostered through our Hubs, Community Structure, and our partnerships with the wider Hobsonville Community.
OUR experience
Projects are authentic, collaborative learning experiences based around a meaningful issue, challenge or needs-based situation in our community.
Students undertake exploration and inquiry, working with real world partners to develop innovative actions. The result is the creation of products, knowledge and outcomes that make a contribution to the community.
Hubs are the heart of our learner-centred approach. Each student is paired with a Hub Coach for pastoral care, academic mentoring, and key parental contact. During Hub time, students develop social and emotional skills, set goals, and reflect on their learning across the school curriculum.
Our Communities consist of a collection of hubs, led by a Community Lead Teacher. Hubs and Communities provide connection as well as personalised care and support for academic and personal excellence.
We believe in providing our students with real-world exposure to diverse industries through strategic partnerships with local employers, industry associations, further education providers and other community organisations.
These partnerships could include guest speaker sessions, industry visits and tours, work based learning opportunities/internships and collaborative projects.
At Hobsonville Point Secondary School, we recognise that success comes in many forms. We therefore provide a variety of opportunities for our students to develop their unique talents and to connect to the community and each other.
Performing arts enables students to deepen their understanding of their own identity, humanity and our place in the world. Students can unlock their creative potential in music, drama and dance.
Students are encouraged to participate in the over 20 different sports on offer at the School. Their involvement fosters long-term hauora and supports them with exploring and expanding their talents.
Beyond the classroom, students are also given the opportunity to engage in a multitude of extra-curricular activities, including kapa haka, the model UN and the Maths Club.