Our Iwi: Te

Kawerau ā Maki

We have a School Engagement and Development Programme - Mana Kura with Te Kawerau ā Maki. This is to provide information and activities that contribute to strengthening educationally powerful connections to Te Kawerau a Maki, enabling schools who sit within the Statutory Acknowledgement area of Te Kawerau a Maki to develop their knowledge of the historical and cultural connections to the whenua, and pass this knowledge on to their students.

The School Engagement and Development Programme - Mana Kura supports the Te Kawerau Iwi Tiaki Trust’s investment in Ka Hikitia – Accelerating Success, Tau Mai Te Reo and Whakapūmautia, Papakōwhaitia Tau Ana by:

● Enabling Iwi to contribute to decisions that enable Māori learners to succeed as Māori

● Collaboratively designing a localised curriculum with schools that aligns with Iwi aspirations to deliver shared education outcomes

● Increasing Iwi and Hapū participation in education to realise Māori potential

● Providing a pathway forward that will deliver a better future.

The framework supports Iwi and Hapū to develop education plans that contribute to creating or strengthening educationally powerful connections for Māori learners.