In our Junior School, we offer an exciting curriculum consisting of specialist classes and integrated classes (in which two subjects are team-taught by expert teachers). It is designed to maximise student choice and capitalise on student interest.
In our Junior School, we offer an exciting curriculum consisting of specialist classes and integrated classes, in which two subjects are team-taught by expert teachers.
In integrated classes (Modules), coverage of the New Zealand curriculum is provided in both subjects, with learning integrated around key concepts, capabilities, contexts or outcomes, enriching learning. Integrated learning at Hobsonville Point Secondary School increases student engagement by providing a connected and relevant education, where students can connect their learning across subjects and also relate to how acquired knowledge and skills can be applied in the real world.
In special interest classes (SPINs), students can select from a wide variety of classes to follow their passions or discover new interests, whilst deepening their subject specific knowledge and skills.
Learning in both modules and SPINs is designed to develop deep content knowledge, foster critical thinking skills and strengthen independent learning capability.