A r o h a n u i
The Arohanui class caters for students with intellectual disabilities who need individualised learning programmes, therapy and staff support to reach their potential as learners. Our aim is to provide our students with the highest quality teaching and learning in a setting best suited to their needs. We provide and create a community for our students and families of acceptance, understanding, advocacy and opportunity.
We view each student as a unique learner. We follow the New Zealand Curriculum which is adapted to ensure our students become effective communicators and independent lifelong learners. The bulk of the school programme takes place within the class itself, with groups and individual students integrating into the wider school community across the day. Our students enjoy being with their peers and our class always welcomes visitors.
Arohanui at HPSS
“Ki tuatakina nga matea rereke e tautawhitia nga iwi whanau kei roto te wairua aroha”
“Dedicated to meeting the diverse needs of our community in the spirit of Aroha”
The Arohanui class at Hobsonville Point is a satellite class of Arohanui School in West Auckland. The students who attend the Hobsonville-Arohanui class are enrolled at Arohanui School and attend school each day at their Hobsonville class. Included in the original design and vision of Hobsonville Point, the Arohanui class creates opportunities for all students to achieve within a connected, inclusive and diverse learning environment.